Getting ‘the Things’ Done

My advice on working your way through a monstrous to-do list and making $ in your business. With every post I make, I’m asking myself, can someone read this and make an impact on their earning potential this month/week/day/minute.  Today’s advice can do that for just about everyone. I’m setting a high bar here because this is a critically important topic that I know we all struggle with. Figuring out where to start with your prospecting is a task that is insurmountable to some and an afterthought for others. Today I would love to help you bring it to the forefront of your mind and ensure it has a regular spot in your calendar with an emphasis on the relationships that drive your success! Here are 5 Keys to making time for prospecting (or any other significant task in your business) Establish your Priorities – spending time planning is of critical importance in your business. This ensures you do the right things to bring your success instead of hoping for ‘happy accidents’ to come your way. I suggest when you do your planning you identify your top priorities and limit this to a manageable number. I have 3 in my business. Serve my clients and important professional relationships.Increase my audience.Promote my business and find attendees for my programs. When I have these priorities I can look at the opportunities that come my way and if they align in these areas, I consider them and figure out if they are good to pursue. If not, it’s an easy no. (More on that topic later in this post) Recognize your High...