5 Networking Lessons from The Avengers

5 Networking Lessons from The Avengers

I love the lessons learned from the big screen.

For the first time in my life, I recently went to see the first showing of a new release. It was The Avengers – a definite must see for children of all ages! During the movie, though, I kept thinking of how many of these plots demonstrate a valuable skill set for us to learn from. Of course, my lessons are around prospecting and networking in particular, so here are my thoughts around the 5 Lessons Learned from the Avenger’s Network…

  • Reach out. Even though you may be super talented and have super powers, you have your own strengths and weaknesses. Others are often able and willing to step in and help you out so reach out!
  • You are stronger as a team. Each member of the Avengers is a bad ass in their own right, but together they are unbeatable. Even when problems may arise and you feel defeated, look to others to help you and you must be there to help them when they are down.
  • Ask for help. It’s OK to not have all the answers and often by brainstorming with your peers and partners you can find answers to the biggest problem the mightiest villain can throw your way.
  • Sometimes your super powers are hidden. The ‘normal folks’ bring great substance to this story. Not to be a spoiler, but one of the key support members of the Shield Team inspired greatness, from his connection with the love interest of Iron Man. He gained her support to engage this critical team member into giving more than 100% (now you really have to watch it) and thus buying time for the heroes to save the day. He was authentic in his admiration and ‘all in’ with his participation in spite of being a mere ‘normal’ dude.
  • Suit Up. In several scenes of the movie you hear the direction – Suit up! This is great advice for all of us. Preparing for our interactions in a networking event often is something we add on at the end of the day, you go straight from work with whatever ‘on’ you may be wearing. And I’m not talking about your attire. We make our networking an afterthought and consequently are not 100% present and accounted for. And consequently, our time is wasted and we walk away thinking – this networking stuff is a waste. Whereby if you take the time, begin with what you want out of each interaction and walk away with your ‘Action’ Step, you will find the results as if you were wearing the cape and carrying a shield.

The lessons we have to learn each and every day are more around recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, and finding your team members both internal and external to support your effort. Give each relationship 100% and do what you say you will do. Make the actions meaningful. Support others. Save the day! Above all you recognize that even without super hero strength or movie star good looks, there is always room for a hero. Be One!





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