Are You Looking At Me?

Are You Looking At Me?

More than 85% of people currently employed are looking for other opportunities.  Did you get that percentage?  It wasn’t a typo.  Here’s the study from Gallup that proves just how disengaged employees are: Study. It was formulated from data in 2010-2012 and is one of the more complete explanations for how and why employees are tuning out. Do you think it’s gotten any better?  It hasn’t.  The scary part for employers is the economy has improved enough that your team is jumping ship for what they perceive are better opportunities.   Which do you think are most at risk?   Your bottom performers?  Middle?  Or the most productive of your team?

So what do you do about it?  Just how in touch are you with your employees personal goals as well as their professional?   Are you aware of their career plan?  In tune to what they aspire to for growth?  Do you recognize that generationally you are probably speaking different languages?   These are all things to consider with your team.

Many companies are doing business as usual circa 2009 when people were scared to move or do anything.  Times have changed.  To change with them, you need  to recognize accomplishments of your team, let them know you appreciate them.  Because people don’t leave jobs.  They leave leaders.

So go take you’re A+ team members to lunch, talk to them about what they want this year to look like in their career.  How about next?  Where do they see themselves?  And how can you help them get there….

Remember to get what you want, help others get what they want is Emerson’s Law of Compensation.  It works in relationships whether personal or professional.

Have a great day!

Good Selling!