The Single Greatest Referral Partner Meeting Tip

The Single Greatest Referral Partner Meeting Tip

Little things mean a lot, and often it’s the little habits top producers consistently practice that lead to their success. They don’t let things drop. They’re better at follow up than we are. They can afford to hire an assistant and you are stuck doing your own admin. Blah, blah, blah. All good reasons but I thought I would share with you one of the success traits I see that differentiates successful prospectors from the rest of the world who has meetings, but never seems to accomplish anything.

So what do they do?

They get a next step. An outcome. A conversation with a mutually agreed up on agenda. They don’t live in the world of assumptions. They don’t add time into their schedule when they have their calendars with them, they know how much longer it takes to get something done if you have to rely on email communication – back and forth, does this date work, no, how about the week following… and before you know it – you’re ‘out of the notion’ as my Grandmother used to say. And what could have been a great relationship goes by the wayside.

There’s my rant for the day – now what you do with it is up to you. Will you determine together if there is a next step? Discuss what it looks like? Book the meeting? Invite other attendees who would benefit from the relationship?

Make it happen… It’s all you!

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